Thursday, 18 October 2012

Practical Task- Lip sync task

Below is our Video which demonstrates our Lip sync and Action match. We have used the song All Star by Smash Mouth because it was a fairly low paced song with easy to read lyrics and they were easy to lip sync. Also a key feature of the video was to create action matches, which also make for a good show of technical skill.

This has no bearing on the actual video that Smash mouth produced because this is purely a showcase of action and lip syncing so the narrative of the story doesn't really matter this time.

Practical Task- Frame by Frame

For one of our formative assessments we were asked to create a frame by frame video of any current music video of our choice. This included Camera, Mise-en-scene, location and costume. We had free reign over the choice of music video to copy, however there were certain limitations that prevented us from certain styles and certain songs. The problem with replicating pop is that the costume tends to be elaborate and also has lots of use of Special effects. Later on I decided the best thing to do would be Indie because they don't have elaborate costume or fancy sets and was easily replicable. The song we chose was Ed Sheerans- Lego House

I think that is quite good because it has used the same designs and the same style as the original video. There were some scenes we could not however replicate because we couldn't organise it and in one shot here is out of sync but that is because the shots at the time were out of sync so it would be impossible to get it right in the editing phase without making it look jumpy or of a poorer quality so i decided to keep it as it was. Below is the original.

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Postmodernism is a theory which came about around 1970. It is a collection of Styles, ideals, Literature and media. A common way to describe is a mish mash of genres. E.g. Blade Runner is a mixture of Sci-fi/Film Noir. It is difficult to define but it covers several key terms.

Intertextual Reference- One media text references another

Parody- Mocking something in an original way

Pastiche- Taking reference in a respectable

Here is an example of Parody:

Here is an example of parody. To the left is a clip from the 1970s cop drama- Starsky and Hutch. It is the typical example of a cop show. It does have a certain comical aspect to it in that it is easy to replicate and parody.

And here is a music video for Sabotage by The Beastie Boys. It has parodied this style of cop drama in the use of costume, Mis-en-scene and location in this music video. This differs from pastiche because because it has been done in a satirical way and is made fore comedy as apposed to professional courtesy.


Here is video for Marilyn Monroe's "Diamonds are a girls best friend". It is almost unique in its choice of colour, costume, location, and even actress. It would be hard to think of conventions to parody so it couldn't really be parodied effectively.

And here is a music video Madonna's "Material Girl". Because it is so alike to the original i would class it as a pastiche as opposed to a Parody because it is paying tribute to the original by basically copying the Costume, colour, location. Even madonna looks similar so it is a Pastiche.

Intertextual Reference:

This is a scene from the film "Back to the Future". The scene itself was a classic scene.

This video by Death set has literally hundreds of intertextual references from lots of different science fiction films and TV. The reason for the first video is to demonstrate just how big a Intertextual reference the start of the video is.

Non Linear Narrative: A non linear narrative is a story which does'nt follow a linear story. This is present in lots of films and TV shows such as Momento or Pulp Fiction which do not follow a chronological storyline, which is another way of saying it is a Non Linear Storyline. In music videos However it isnt as common i have found. This is because a story is sometimes difficult to follow and can confuse the audience. This is generally not what a Music video is desighned to do. However there are some exeptions to this rule. For Example the Coldplay video for "Scientist" has a reverse narrative (The story is moving backward) which can be seen as a Non linear Narrative. It is this because it is a narrative in the sense we want to know what is happening.

Tracy Chapman- Fast Car narrative

Linear-Below is an example of our storyboard off the tracy chapman song "Fast Car". This particular storyboard is illustrating a linear approach to the song i.e. as it is sung. The images relate to the lyrics of the song so it is quite easy to document.

However below this text is an example of our attempt to make the text non-linear. We have done a chronological order for the song so there are no flashbacks or past tenses, instead we have a continuous timeline.

Media Textual Analysis

For my textual analysis i am going to use an Indie song. I choose to do this because they generally have a strong sense of narrative which i can comment on and they also have a large creative sense about them which is also interesting to talk about.

The video i am going to use is Arctic Monkeys- Florecent Adolesent Here is that video below.

The reason why i chose to do this video is because it has a strong creative sense about it and it is generally in my mind a good video to analyse. It is a typical example of the Indie Rock genre so is therefore a good one to pick for the genre as a whole.

This is one the opening shot of the video and it presents the Location very well. This shot has been taken from inside a car and shows a journey to this location (which is probebly an old warehouse). Location is always an improtant feature of any music video no matter the genre. For the indie genre it represents otherness, because other genres use more conventional locations, for example hip hop or rap tend to focus on Urban areas as opposed to countryside which is common among indie videos.

In this second shot I have, it in my mind illustrates a Narrative structure. This is a shot of two distinct groups of people having a fight which is a narrative in that somethig is happening. This is a trait present in many Indie videos because they aren't mainstream people dont watch there videos as a means of watching the artists, partially because they aren't well known enough to be recognisable but also because they focus more on the music sense.

In this shot the idea of Costume is emphisised. Here we have a shot-reverse-shot of the two main "factions" in this video. As we can see the one on the right is wearing an elaborate and colourful clown outfit and is in contrast with the other person, because he is wearing dull and ordinary colours, perhaps ment to represent the everyday man. Some indie band have emphasis on elaborate outfits for actors. But they usually dont themselves wear anything other than ordinary. This video is one of the examples of costume playing a key role towards the overall product.

This is an example of Prop because this car has deliberately been put into the video to put emphasis on more of the narrative. Props are an important part of the more wider Mise-en-scene which covers many areas which are crucial to many indie videos (this one included) and gives depth which is what they are trying to go for.

This screenshot is further evidence to support the narrative structure