Monday, 21 January 2013

Digipack plan

For our Album cover/Digipack we have planned to make in in accordance with the conventions of Indie. We Have multiple ideas about what our digipack could be like. We will either use a more artistic approach to the design with some kind of drawing like such albums as Muse.

Another approach is the photography approach to it.

The Layout:

There are two possible layouts that can be used for the actual production but these two designs only really affect the number of panes which will be either 4 or 6.

Here is an example of a 4 pane Digipack:

And Here is a good example of a 6 pane Digipack:

For the one we would actually use it is still open for debate but to give ourselves more breathing space for more ideas we may do the 6 panel edition for our one because it gives us a good reason to put extra creative things into our digipack where a 4 panel one may hinder us and force us to choose.

The Content:

It is important however to stick to the conventions of previous digipacks because they include everything needed to make it official which is the look we are looking for. A Traditional Digipack will usually include Track Listings, CD casing, Information about the Artist /Band, Images related to that particular album. For our Digipack we will have to be careful about what we put into it because we are using an existing Artists name so we will need to abide by their conventions when it comes to Track listings and the style of the pack itself. Below is an example from the Bands Second album Favourite Worst Nightmare:

This is something that is fairly feasible to do because it is essentially a series of photos which is something that can be replicated. Of course the images themselves will not be the same but the whole Idea of using Photographs is one of the things that i mentioned that we could do.

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