Thursday 18 October 2012

Practical Task- Frame by Frame

For one of our formative assessments we were asked to create a frame by frame video of any current music video of our choice. This included Camera, Mise-en-scene, location and costume. We had free reign over the choice of music video to copy, however there were certain limitations that prevented us from certain styles and certain songs. The problem with replicating pop is that the costume tends to be elaborate and also has lots of use of Special effects. Later on I decided the best thing to do would be Indie because they don't have elaborate costume or fancy sets and was easily replicable. The song we chose was Ed Sheerans- Lego House

I think that is quite good because it has used the same designs and the same style as the original video. There were some scenes we could not however replicate because we couldn't organise it and in one shot here is out of sync but that is because the shots at the time were out of sync so it would be impossible to get it right in the editing phase without making it look jumpy or of a poorer quality so i decided to keep it as it was. Below is the original.

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